The life of a human being is a course of searching, finding and recognizing one’s own self. So difficult and beautiful.  
In the TV series “God in Me”, well-known intellectuals, artists and priests reflect on their secrets referring to the Godly and the human, the eternal and happiness.
Frequency: Every Monday, at 21:50
Rerun: Tuesday, at 10:50

Ara Alekyan

For some, the metal waste is merely a metal waste, while for painter sculptor Ara Alekyan it is the origin of a new work, source of inspiration. A simple, ordinary and so familiar to everyone, a piece of metal leaves his studio as a piece of art. The artist is as simple as his materials, though steady and persistent in his faith. In the program series "God in Me", the sculptor remembers his childhood, the road of life and self-recognition.


Ara Gevorgyan

Composer Ara Gevorgyan remembers that as a child, he visited Church quite often and participated in Divine Liturgies. His grandfather was a member of parish board, and his grandmother was singing in St. Hovhannes Church. He felt the real power of faith only when he lost his mother, famous national singer Valya Samvelyan. "If you believe in the existence of God, you should also believe in eternal life", - is deeply convinced the composer.


Aram Issabekyan

There are a lot of great things in the world, however, for painter Aram Issabekyan, the most wonderous of all in the world is the human being, with its prompt to think, create and simply live. The painter loves reading since childhood; he first read the Bible as a teenager and thought over the evil and good, life and death. His conversation with us was one of reviving his old feelings and rephrasing of the new ones...


Arev Petrosyan

Designer, painter Arev Petrosyan was born in Yerevan, in the family of famous sculptor Benik Petrosyan. She works on organic glass using gold and silver, which is a wholly new trend of art. Arev Petrosyan considers herself a supported of anything new and experimental. Another similar experience for her was spiritual learning…


Azniv Minasyan

Kanoon player Azniv Minasyan is with Tatul Altunyan’s Song-Dance Ensemble for 25 years now. She first heard that instrument when she was seven. Later, in Conservatory, while studying in the class of composer Khachatur Avetisyan, she chose the profession of kanoon player. Just like many of her generation, she didn’t get spiritual education, her parents, according to her, never articulated the name of God, nonetheless, they served as a great example for her with their personal lives. That’s what made her aware of the spiritual path of man....


Eduard Zorikyan

Singer-songwriter Eduard Zorikyan has a specific perception of what is Godly, he thinks that we should talk to God. His reply to assumed rebukes that this is an inpermissable pretence is - Am I not part of Him?


Hovhannes Chekijyan

Hovhannes Chekijyan is said to be the biggest phenomenon of the music art of century. The walking “classics” has a rich, profuse biography: performing with 55 Orchestras of the world, France, Greece, USA, Switzerland, former USSR countries, more than 700 pieces of work in the setlist of the Orchestra.
In the series “God in Me”, Maestro makes an attempt of looking back at his childhood, where apart from the endless love for arts, music, a clear viewpoint on life, happiness and human relationships was also formed in him.


Varazdat Hambardzumyan

National master Varazdat Hambardzumyan recalls 1992, when cold silence dominated everywhere and it was so hard to live. It was then that he created his first khachkar (cross stone).
Up today, all his works are born in front of his house on Arami street, under the open sky. Over 250 khachkars are placed in various locations of Armenia, as well as in Greece, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, Turkey – inside the wall of an Armenian Church, USA, Russia, Brasil, Miami. He jokingly notes, that Africa seems to be the only place left unfamiliar with his works. He believes in the presence of God in every single human being, the only constraint being the hardship of living honestly, contemplates our hero.


Karine Piliposyan

Karine Piliposyan is a criminalist by specialty, however, she has never dealt with that field since her graduation of Yerevan State University. She works in the National Center of Aesthetics since its foundation and leads the section on handicraft there. Karine Piliposyan feels lucky that such a deflection happened in her life and the inner artist in her won.


Ruben Hovsepyan

"God is in me, therefore I strive for perfection... And every single man is like that, as much God as he can place within himself, as much he can say that God is in me". This is how Ruben Hovsepyan, writer, screenwriter, interpret the title of TV series, thus exposing himself...


Ararat Sargsyan

Ararat Sargsyan, a painter-sculptor, spent his childhood in Leninakan. The road from the school to the House of Pioneer passed by the Church. That mysterious building was present as a splendid architectural monument only, nothing more could be discerned then… Later in his life, the artist started reading the Bible. It appeared to him like an abstruse book which somewhat resembled to a fairy-tale. “Then, little by little, my life began to translate into that half fairy-tale”, - tells Ararat Sargsyan. The artist shares his thoughts on his findings about his passed roads, identity and human essence.


Robert Melkeyan

“God in me, means the honest is in me, the pure in me. That is, to sin as little as possible in your life”, this is the simple formula that Robert Melkeyan, Art Director of the National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia uses to live and create.
From 2005, he is also conducting “Our Lady of Armenia” Choir. He thinks that every single one has its own place in the spriritual world given by God. The path envisaged for him is the path of spiritual music and he is ever happy for that.