Armenian Genocide: Kemalist Massacres of 1919-1923The official Turkish history denies the Armenian Genocide, claiming that the Turkish Republic has nothing to do with the Genocide. The film “Kemalist Massacres” based on documentaries fully rebuts these claims. The Government of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk pursued the plans of young Turks by... |
The Impossible – Possible: In Search of PrototypeOnly half a century ago there was no internet, people would pass hand by hand ideas, thoughts, hobbies via typewritten books or photograph-books. The film produced by “Versus” studio is about Samizdat, a unique phenomena of Soviet times, which could be considered as the prototype of the... |
Two RoadsThe film “Two Roads” is a story about two young people with hearing disability, who are continuously fighting and creating. One of the heroes is 27 years old Hayk, who can’t imagine his life without dancing, while 17 years old Goharik dreams of travelling, painting and then selling her paintings... |