Karate Class of Malatia Armenian Church Youth Center

What difficulties do the students of karate class of Malatia Armenian Church Youth Center face, how do they cope with those? What dreams do the children have; does karate hinder or help them to achieve those dreams?  

Aviamodelling Class of Malatia Armenian Church Youth Center

The young participants of aviamodelling class of Malatia Armenian Church Youth Center  present the airplanes modelled and made by themselves. 

Paintings Class of Nor Nork Armenian Church Youth Center

The students of the painting class of Nork Armenian Church Youth Centertell about their world of painting, themes, colors and skills. As to whether the gift of painting is inborn or obtained, we asked the teachers about it…

“Machanents” Theatre of Cross of Armenian Unity

“The stage is my best friend. When you make a mistake, it kind of tells me, you know, you did this wrong, then I think it over to myself, I try to correct it, become better and stronger”, says Mary, a student in Machanents Theatre. During the program, Mary and her friends reveal their favorite images, talk about the specifics of acting in good or bad roles, as well as their relationship with the stage. 

Puppet Making Class of Nor Nork Armenian Church Youth Center

Every year dozens of children come to puppet making class of Nor Nork Armenian Church Youth Center , who don’t know how to make dalls. Everythings starts with choosing the idea, tale. And every child has a tale: the teacher Lyuda Martirosyan is sure in that.

Tapestry Class of Etchmiadzin Armenian Church Youth Center

What is changed in the children as they communicate with art fully reliant on their own powers? Our crew is in the tapestry class of Etchmiadzin Armenian Church Youth Center. 

New Year at Nor Nork Armenian Church Youth Center

The students of Nork Armenian Youth Center are getting ready for New Year. What’s their most favorite moment of the New Year, what they would present to whom had they been Santa Claus?  

Kanoun Class of Ashtarak Armenian Church Youth Center

“Not all students will necessarily become professional kanoun players, but one thing is sure – they will become good people; that is the power of music”, - says the kanoun teacher of Ashtarat Armenian Church Youth Center. His students present the complex technical specifics of the instrument and the technique of mastering it. They also speak about playing modern music compositions with kanoun. 

Dance Class of Ashtarak Armenian Church Youth Center

What changes the dance brings in the personal qualities of the youth, why do they like to attend dance classes, what difficulties and succeses do they record? The teacher and students of the dance class of Ashtarak Armenian Church Youth Center talk about this and other issues. 


Batique Class of Etchmiadzin Armenian Church Youth Center

The students of Etchmiadzin Armenian Church Youth Center create everywhere – they paint stones, bottles, create clothes they designed themselves. 

Cana Training Center

Our crew visited Cana Christian Training Center of Ararat Patriarchal Diocese.

Dance Class of Etchmiadzin Armenian Church Youth Center

Sona Says: “Before taking up dance, I was putting my feet crooked, I was thinking I am club-footed. Everything changed after I started going to dance.” Sona and her friends attend the Dance class of Etchmiadzin Armenian Church Youth Center.