Disclosure Time

In recent days, social networks and online media have been publishing calls for protests addressed to the Armenian Church, the clergy of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and Catholicos of All Armenians. The authors of several protest letters published on the internet are priest who have been defrocked in previous years, who have also offered to run a protest march to solve their problems. The Mother See, as well as the members of the General Congregation, have addressed letters and videos in which they offer to solve problems in compliance with the rules adopted in the church. Why did need for this tactic of protest arise, and how do these developments relate to the context of the velvet revolution? 
Head of the Information Department of the Mother See Father Vahram Melikyan and journalist Ara Galoyan are discussing the topic. 

Need of Reform After Reforms

"The reforms of the education sector conducted over the past two decades have not reached classrooms and auditoriums. The world existing there and in the Ministry cabinets are very much different from each other. The introduced reforms have not been adapted to our educational environment, have been introduced in sprint,"- says education expert Serob Khachatryan. How to regulate educational life post reform? The Ministry of Education and Science promises to review the sectoral reforms. 
Discussion by Serob Khachatryan, education expert and Syuzi Makyan, Head of Pre-school and Secondary Education Policy Development and Analysis Department of MSE.

The Justice and Equality after the Revolution

The key demands of the movement were justice, equlity, freedom and sovereignty. What leverages do we have on state and public level? What does it mean public interest, how to harmonize personal and public interest?
The topic is discussed by political political theorist Naira Khachatryan and culturologist Hamlet Melkumyan. 

The Borders of Freedom

According to the RA Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan, the members of the "New Armenia, New Patriarch" initiative have committed violence against Catholicos of All Armenians in Vayots Dzor province. The Defender considers this fact dangerous in terms of tolerance and solidarity in the society. The Ombudsman of Artsakh Ruben Melikyan thinks that the encroachment towards Catholicos is also related to the freedom of conscience and religion of the absolute majority of Artsakh citizens. According to expert’ estimates, over the past month the right of the Armenian Apostolic Church and the rights established by the Armenian legislation for the religious organization has been continuously infringed. The provisions of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights and the constitutional rights of the pontiff of the Armenian Apostolic Church have also been violated. The topic is discussed by the Director of "Against Violation of Law" NGO, RA First Ombudsman Larisa Alaverdyan and YSU Professor, Doctor of Law Arthur Vagharshyan

Ways of Coping with the State of Being Social Orphan

 Around 80 percent of the children in Armenian orphanages and other care institutions appear in those institutions as a result of tough social conditions. Professional term is “social orphanness”. The poverty doesn’t seem to reduce, yet the large centralized care centers for children seem to be unloaded. Where do these children go; what conditions and social infrastructures have been created to implement this process of unloading? 
Yelena Harutyunyan, foster care specialist of Child Support Center, FAR, and Knarik Garanfilian –Founding Chairwoman of “Family and Community” Charity NGO discuss the topic.

State Symbols in the Revolutionary Environment

During the days of the movement “Take a Step”, the state symbols served as important components of civic activism. The faces, clothes and cars were colored with the colors of national flag. Are the state symbols only just a distinctive mark, or they do undergo a thorough revaluation? Ethnographer Arsen Hakobyan and sociologist Artur Atanesyan talk about these issues.

The Society Educated in the Square

The movement “Take a Step” opened such a field of citizen self- and education in diverse platforms of mass gatherings, which would be the subject of the envy by any educational institution. The society is getting matured politically, culturally, ethically and morally hour by hour. Where did these changes get originated?

The members of the initiative “New Armenia, New Patriarch” met with the Primate of Shirak Diocese

On June 17, after Sunday Divine Liturgy, the members of the initiative demanding the resignation of Catholicos met with Bishop Mikayel Ajapahian, the Primate of Shirak Diocese, expecting him to convey their demands to Karekin II. During an intense meeting lasting 1 hour and 12-minutes, Father Mikayel responded to the questions of the initiative members, addressed their noting most of them as groundless. The Bishop once again called the priest leading the initiative and the other members for expressing sound judgment and describing their activities as sectarian. 

Issues of Adopting and Foster Families

What kind of social services are provided to alternative care providers - adoptive parents, guardian and foster families in Armenia? What are these families expecting most? What issues does the differentiated approach to these families bring about, what kind of difficulties do they face as a result of the lack of registration? Sociologists Mira Antonyan and Knarik Garanfilian represent the study of the Child Protection Network and the Foster Parents Association.

80 years after the assassination of Khoren Muradbekyan

Since 2017, the Armenian Apostolic Church is celebrating April 6 as the commemoration day of the clergy victimized to the Soviet repressions. April 6 is unofficially the assassination day of Catholicos of All Armenians Khoren Muradbekyan. This year marks his 80th anniversary. 

Church-State: Smooth and Wrinkled Relations

On April 4, 1918, Bishop Gevorg Chorekchyan informed the Catholicos of All Armenians Gevorg Surenyants about the details of his meeting with General Nazarbaev. The general told the bishop that only 4,000 out of the 16,000 soldiers remained. 12,000 had fled and the duty to send them back to the frontline then rested on the shoulders of the Armenian clergy, women and the media. How did church-state relations proceed with the formation of the first Republic of Armenia? How were the roles and functions of the new independent state allocated?

The Conviction of Illiteracy and Education Development Program

According to international experts, if Armenia does not invest in education in the coming years, the country will face 50% illiteracy in 2030. Local experts and researchers believe that our country lacks any idea about the problems of education, nor the effectiveness of educational expenditures, while the draft law "On the State Education Program till 2030" was presented for the public discussion. Does the draft law reflect sectoral issues and meet the needs? 
Discussion by education expert Serob Khachatryan and "National Center for Public Policy Research" NGO Artak Manukyan.