The cause and effect of indifference

How does Christ heal a blind and mute demoniac and thus what prescription does He give for dealing with crises in general? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this. 

The path of purification

All religions have purification rituals. What are they for? How are we purified, what example does Christ set? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this. 

Talk about a feast during the plague

When talking about the last judgment, what does Christ warn about, why is Noah's time and the flood mentioned? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this. 

Talk about happiness

According to the Bible, what is happiness, how to achieve it? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this. 

Talk about Birth

A Christian has three births: birth from the mother, birth from the baptismal font, and birth from mother earth. How is the image of the cross outlined in these three births? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this. 


What is a dream? Can God speak to us through a dream? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this. 

Talk about Faith

How does Jesus teach to believe, how does He educate our faith by personal example? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this. 

Talk about Trust

How does the natural ability of trust in a person fall and become the cause of social and individual crises?  How did Jesus win people's trust? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this. 

Talk about coexistence

Jesus tells his disciples: "As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my love." How to stay in the love of Jesus, how does that love help us in coexistence?  Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this. 

Talk about light

How are light and energy personified by Christ, enter the world, are considered the symbol of life and the sign of truth. Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this. 

Talk about self-awareness

Jesus performed many miracles, but why do the evangelists emphasize the exorcism episode? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this. 

About Hope

"If we have hope, then we live." Reverend Father Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this.