What is "The Little Prince" Really About?

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's "The Little Prince" is interpreted in various readings as a children's tale about the relationship between adults and children, an allegory of a love story, an anti-fascist ideology, even an existential fable about loneliness. What is "The Little Prince" really about? Literary experts Hayk Hambardzumyan and Arkmenik Nikoghosyan discussed the layers of "Little Prince" in the "Parallel Readings" program.

Hovhannes Shiraz, 110th anniversary, Part 2

The influence of Hovhannes Shiraz's poetry was very great in Armenia and the Diaspora. His poems dedicated to the Armenian Genocide and Western Armenia are still the focus of readers' attention. How was the poet able to address these topics that were forbidden in the Soviet period and how relevant are these works today? These questions are discussed by literary critics Hayk Hambardzumyan, Arkmenik Nikoghosyan and Samvel Muradyan in the "Parallel Readings" program.

Hovhannes Shiraz, 110th anniversary, part 1

This year marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of Hovhannes Shiraz. What was Shiraz's entry into literature, how was he able to create works of the traditions of Armenian pastoral poetry in the times of "factory" and propaganda poetry, and what was the attitude of the literary environment towards Shiraz, especially Yeghishe Charents? These questions are discussed by literary experts Hayk Hambardzumyan, Arkmenik Nikoghosyan and Samvel Muradyan.

From a poem to a song and vice versa

Music and poetry have been closely related at all stages of the development of art. Many poets have also been musicians and many songwriters poets. We also have such examples in our time. How does the poetry match the music, are the lyrics a poem? Literary experts Hayk Hambardzumyan, Arkmenik Nikoghosyan and songwriter, poet Narek Kosmos discuss these questions in the "Parallel Readings" program.

Gayane Eliazyan

For 25 years, Gayane Eliazyan has been leading the Restoration department of Mesrop Mashtots library. He remembers when he was hired, there were eight employees in the department, now twenty-seven specialists work under his leadership. Ms. Gayane admits that working with ancient manuscripts gives meaning to life.

Henrik Siravyan

"This is how, one beautiful day, the Armenian people will embrace and love you", back in 1961, Martiros Sayran, drawing his student, predicted his future. Henrik Siravyan, one of the brightest and original artists of the 60s generation.

Hakob Khalatyan

Hakob Khalatyan has been inseparable from Kamancha for forty years. He made many adaptations of classical and folk works. He performed Khachatryan's violin and orchestra concerto with kamancha on different stages of the world, Ed. Baghdasaryan's Rhapsody, Avet Terteryan's 5th Symphony and other classical works. 

Armen Atayan

The 94-year-old painter considers his most successful painting to be the one he made in kindergarten. Even today, Armen Atayan is in the studio for hours, trying to tell about the harmony of nature and man with his thousands of works.

Eduard Kharazyan

Painter Eduard Kharazyan outlined his limits of freedom at this stage of his life, where he is alone with himself. The artist replaced the busyness of his young years with silence in the studio.

Ara Zaryan

For six years now, every summer, famous Armenian architect Ara Zaryan has been coming to Armenia from Italy to restore the frescoes of our churches and monasteries. Although he has been living in Italy for decades, he does not sever ties with his homeland. It is certain that the ideas passed on from the famous grandfather, Kostan Zaryan, help to remain Armenian and to be a pilgrim of the homeland.

Khoren Ter-Harutyan

In the works of sculptor Khoren Ter-Harutyan, the theme of the Armenian pogroms seen in his childhood runs through the red thread. Although due to fate, the artist settles in the USA, but he manages to bring all his creative heritage to his homeland. Director of Ter-Harutyan Museum Harutyun Harutyunyan, art critic Mariam Davtyan and Gurgen Muradyan, a relative of Ter-Harutyan.

Stepan Ohanyan

Pilot Stepan Ohanyan went through the Artsakh Liberation War, made dangerous flights, transported soldiers and wounded during the hard days of the war, saving hundreds of lives. Awarded the Combat Cross. The pilot is now the deputy director of "Arm-aero" CJSC. He remembers the not-so-distant days in front of our camera...