June 14

The Lord lives with us without speaking
Analyzing God's truth allows us not to be deceived by the lies of this world. Not to give in to all the illusions with which we are surrounded, because the light, life and truth are one. Rev. Fr.  Tigran Badiryan speaks on this. (14 Fast Day: Rom. 7.12-25: Matt. 12.15-21: )

June 13

Love people for God's sake
God's word is completely summed up in two commandments: love your God with all your soul and heart, love people as yourself. The 10 commandments are summarized in these two. Rev. Fr. Moses Sahakyan speaks on this. 
(13 Fast day
Saints Theodotus of Galatia, and Thalelaus the Physician, and the Seven Martyred Virgins of Ancyra. Proverbs 6:11-21: 2 Cor. 6:1-10: John 16:1-4)

June 12

The only treasure we will never lose is Jesus Christ
Life and Jesus Christ are more than our possessions. What we have is just a temporary and puffy reality that we can lose at any time. Rev. Fr. Tigran Badiryan speaks on this.
(12 Fast Day: Rom. 7.1-11: Matt. 12.9-15: )

June 11

God is merciful
With our prayers, we can ask God to intervene not only in our lives, but also in those who need God. God, in His mercy, can intervene. Priest Movses Sahakyan is leaving. (11 Fast day. Saints Constantine the Emperor and his mother Helen Acts 16.9-17: Acts 3.31-4.4: 1 Tim. 2.1-7: Luke 7.1-10)

June 10

Live for the other person too
Jesus Christ came to save everyone individually, but the Lord's mission was to save the whole world. Today, each of us is a part of that salvation plan. Rev. Fr. Arnak Harutyunyan speaks on this. ( 10 Fast day. Saints Epiphanius Bishop of Cyprus, Babylas the Patriarch, and his three disciples- Wis. 8.7-10 Na. 1.7-9 1Cor. 12.4-11 Mark 6.45-52). 

June 9

Act for God
The only starting point of the word of God can be keeping the commandments, which is aimed at leading a person to God. To keep the Sabbath holy is to make God dwell in your heart. Rev. Fr. Movses Sahakyan speaks on this. († Third Sunday after Pentecost. Eve of Fast of Saint Gregory the Illuminator. Isa. 1.2-15: Rom. 6.12-23: Matt. 12.1-8: )

June 8

Christ has not changed, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever 
Follow the behavior of our fathers. See the God that our fathers believed in and keep faith in that God. The family is loyal to its surname and knows its family tree. Rev. Fr. Arnak Harutyunyan speaks on this († 8 Saints Nerses the Great Patriarch and Bishop Khad. Ims. 5.1-8: Isa. 60.20-61.7: Heb. 13.17-21: Matt. 19.27-29: )

June 7

Look at everything through God's eyes
If we see our surroundings in a simple light like a child, we will see God's invisible hand and presence in our lives. For that wisdom we must have the purity of a child. Rev. Fr. Tigran Badiryan speaks on this.
(Fast Day- Rom. 5.12-21: Matt. 11.25-30: )

June 6

The saints of the Church are people who followed the example of Christ
Jesus Christ urges us not to be afraid of betrayal and never repent, because God will give us wisdom and a mouth to speak for the sake of justice. Rev. Fr. Movses Sahakyan speaks on this.
(25 Saints Princes Sahak and Joseph and the Martyrs Sargius and Bacchus. Zech. 3.7-4.9: I Cor. 12.28-13.3: Matt. 23.34-39.)

June 5

Jesus Christ speaks about our stereotypes 
We continue the mistakes made by our parents. When a person leaves the circle of mistakes, he is perceived as an enemy by his relatives. 
Rev. Fr. Tigran Badiryan speaks on this. (29 Fast Day: Rom. 3.19-31: Matt. 9.9-15: )

June 3

Try to become like the Lord in small steps every day
If we start to see Christ in everything, our life will be corrected much faster. Yes, we will have omissions and mistakes again, but it is important that we want to follow Christ
Rev. Fr. Arnak Harutyunyan speaks on this.
(03 The Children of Bethlehem. Saints Acacius the Martyr, Mocius the Priest and Codratus the Soldier. Act. 29.2-7: Is. 18.7: Heb. 2.14-18: Matt. 2.16-18.)

June 2

We must build a temple in our hearts
We must not allow pagan customs to divert us from our straight course. According to the word of the Lord, we must follow him in order to get eternal life. 
Rev. Fr. Movses Sahakyan speaks on this. († Second Sunday after Pentecost. Feast of Holy Etchmiadzin. Act. 9.1-6: Zech. 3.7-4.9: Heb. 9.1-10: John. 10.22-30. )