"Vanakan" Rock Band

"Vanakan" will release a new song
"Vanakan" rock band is going to release a new song and shoot videos in the near future. The group has a history of only a few years, but managed to acquire an army of fans. The members of "Vanakan" group simultaneously work in other places and invest their earned money for the development of the group.

Dn. Hovhannes Evinyan

The stones brought from Dadivank get a new life
Deacon Hovhannes Evinyan brought water colors and stones with him from Dadivank, on which they paint. The watercolor was found by chance while serving in Dadivank. He does not consider himself an artist, but I think that if a person wants to express himself, he will definitely find the means.

Stepan Rostomyan

Composer Stepan Rostomyan's international recognition began in 1989, when the Soviet Union commissioned him to compose works for the "New Beginning" festival in Glasgow. Today, Rostomyan's symphonies are played on prestigious stages of the world. The "Yerevan Perspectives" international music festival, which already has a rich biography, was created with the efforts of the composer.

The son of the philanthropist, who was awarded the title of national hero, visited "Izmirlian" Medical Center

The Catholicos of All Armenians visited the "Izmirlian" medical center, which was renamed after the philanthropist in 2012, with Sargis Izmirlian, the son of the famous philanthropist Tigran Izmirlian, and his wife. Tigran Izmirlyan's contribution to the re-equipment of the hospital is invaluable. The Izmirliana also visited Hrach and Suzan Tufayan Youth Center and "Eurnekian" public school.

Rev. Fr. Archimandrite Ruben Zargaryan

Rev. Fr. Archimandrite Ruben Zargaryan answered the questions of viewers and users. Post your questions on the Q&A Facebook page.
What is the significance of the drying up of the Euphrates mentioned in the book of Revelation, and who are the kings of the East?
Why does God command to work 6 days and rest on the 7th day?
Can followers of other religions recite the "Our Father" prayer?
Where do the names of the Sundays after Easter come from?
Does the soul of a clinically dead person meet God?
How to distinguish those who mislead people in the name of Christ and those who preach the true faith?

Shushiki band

"Shushiki" band publicizes Komitas' music
The girls of "Shushiki" band met in the Holy Catholic Church of Jrvezh. They perform Armenian folk music, implement various educational programs in regions, popularize Komitas music. The band has been participating in the international festival for two years now. Recently, music programs are often implemented in the Tavush region.

Hakob Movses: The sacrament of Resurrection

The essence of Christianity is resurrection. In history, hundreds of thousands of people were crucified before Christ, crucifixion was just a form of punishment, but only one, Jesus Christ, was resurrected. Poet, translator Hakob Movses presents his perception of the sacrament of resurrection, reads his poems written on the subject.

"Masunk" traditional song-dance ensemble

"Masunk" traditional song and dance ensemble named after Rudik Haroyan popularizes not only the national song and dance, but also the rituals, games and holidays of different provinces and regions. The members of the ensemble are people with different professions, who gather in the evening after their main work, sing and dance.

Palm Sunday in Aruch

There is spiritual warmth in Aruch 
Every time Father Manuk Zeynalyan goes to Aruch, the church is filled with children. The Church of St. Gregory of Aruch is standing, but it is in a half-ruined state. The children dream that one day it will be restored and rainwater will not pour into the church. On Palm Sunday, Ter Manuk celebrated the liturgy and decorated the church with willow branches with the children.

Catholicos of All Armenians: Armenian people are facing an ontological problem

In the Old Residence, the Catholicos of All Armenians announced that the feast of the Holy Resurrection of Christ this year does not contain the joy and excitement of the previous years. Times are complicated and full of unpredictable developments for the Armenian people and Armenia. At the same time, His Holiness noted that the people who believe in Christ have been able to overcome difficulties no less severe than today's trials with their faith.

The Feast of the Resurrection began with the Candlelight Liturgy

The Candlelight Liturgy is celebrated twice during the year, at Christmas and Resurrection. Candlelight means lighting, extinguishing lamps and candles. It symbolizes the light given to humanity by Christ, eternal life. The Holy Liturgy of Candlelight was celebrated in the St. Gayane Monastery under the solemnity of His Holiness the Patriarch.


If the so-called enclaves are handed over, the village of Barekamavan will be in a desperate situation. At this moment, the enemy is on three sides of the village. The front with a length of about 18 km is directly related to the Azerbaijani positions, which are located at a distance of 7 to 800 meters from the village. Most of Barekamavan's arable land is now under enemy control.