Forgiveness: Father Markos Mangasaryan discusses

How to forgive an enemy, who is the forgiving person? Who can be forgiven, what does the Gospel preach? Fr. Markos Mangasaryan speaks about the importance of forgiveness.

A memorial evening dedicated to Khoren Palyan was held at Lusine Zakaryan's house-museum

In the 1960s, Khoren Palyan and Lusine Zakaryan were among the first to become the bearers and disseminators of Armenian spiritual song. Khoren Palyan is the author of musicological, philological and historiographical articles and studies. He wrote the educational manual “Chronology of the Armenian Church”. He is a co-author of books and volumes dedicated to Grabar and hymns. He taught at the Gevorgyan Theological Seminary, at the Philological and Theological Faculties of Yerevan State University.

The book "Holy Etchmiadzin: The Mother Cathedral of All Armenians" by Archimandrite Tovma Khachatryan has been published

Rev. Fr. Archimandrite Tovma Khachatryan has been studying the architecture of the Mother Cathedral since his years of study at the Gevorgyan Theological Seminary. In his study, the author addressed the sacred tradition of the construction of the Mother Cathedral, the vision of St. Gregory the Illuminator, the history of the scientific study of the architecture of the Mother Cathedral, and the preserved ancient parts of the Cathedral. This is the second book dedicated to the Mother Cathedral by the Archimandrite. The previous one was the scientific work “Holy Etchmiadzin: The First Christian Domed Cathedral,” which was published in 2020.

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What is the Christian understanding of care, what does care mean for oneself, one's neighbor, and one's homeland? Father Markos Mangasaryan analyzes all manifestations of care.


The estate-farm and monastery of the princes of the Gugark world have been known to historians since the 5th century. In later centuries, when copper mines were discovered here, Agarak was renamed Pghndzahank, and the monastery was renamed Pghndzahank Monastery. The settlement and church named Akhtala have been mentioned in historical sources since the 14th century.

A memorial evening "Dedication to Lusine" was held at the Lusine Zakaryan House-Museum

The evening dedicated to the memory of the great singer was attended by musicians and artists inspired by her art, who joined the event on their own initiative. Spiritual songs and romances were performed by Marina Zalinyan, soloist of the choir of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, laureate of international competitions, and pianist, concertmaster Katarine Hovsepyan.

The Holy Mother of God monastery in Akhtala

"Me, Mariam, daughter of Kyurike, have erected a bronze altar to the Holy Mother of God. You who worship, remember my prayer to us.” The khachkar with this inscription, created by order of Princess Mariam, is in the courtyard of Akhtala; it is the de facto passport of the monastery. The khachkar, made in 1188, is tangible evidence of attempts by foreigners, especially Georgians, to appropriate the monastery at different times and of the settlement of disputes. The Akhtala monastery is the largest monastery in the region named after the Mother of God. It is also one of the richest monasteries in frescoes: 960 square meters of unique medieval frescoes have come down to us, which have never been restored in 800 years.

Loyalty: discussed by Rev. Fr. Markos Mangasaryan

Can loyalty be one-sided? To which ideas should one be loyal? Who can be an example of loyalty? Fr. Markos Mangasaryan analyzes all manifestations of loyalty.

The Holy Savior church of Gyumri

The Church of the Holy Savior, considered one of the symbols of Gyumri, celebrates the 150th anniversary of its construction this year. It is said that the people of Gyumri dreamed of having a church similar to the Mother Cathedral of Ai and began collecting donations for its construction in the 1850s. The church, built in 1873 with great difficulties and expectations, ceased to function in the 1930s under the coercion of the Soviet authorities, and in 1937 the Bolsheviks blew up the bell tower. The final blow to the Church of the Holy Savior was the devastating earthquake of 1988, when the church collapsed. After many years of restoration, the restoration of the Church of the Holy Savior was completed in 2024 and was reconsecrated under the auspices of the Armenian Patriarch.

Duduk player Gagik Gasparyan's concert took place at the Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona

Argentinian musician Gagik Gasparyan has been performing in various countries of the world over the past year, popularizing Armenian spiritual and folk music. During 14 performances, the musician presented the works of Nerses Shnorhali, Grigor Narekatsi, Komitas, Mkhitar Airivanetsi, and Makar Yekmalyan to foreign audiences with his duduk performances. The closing concert, accompanied by organist Roberto Ramirez, took place in the historic Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona.

Self-sacrifice -discussed by Archbishop Khazhak Parsamyan

What does self-sacrifice mean, why is it considered a virtue, is there a lack of self-sacrifice in our days? Archbishop Khazhak Parsamyan deeply analyzes the modern perceptions of self-sacrifice and the deep meanings of the phenomenon.

Gyumri's Holy Savior Church Reopens After Decades of Construction

The 150-year-old cathedral, which was destroyed by the devastating earthquake of 1988, has reopened after decades of construction and restoration work. The relic of the Savior's Cross was brought to Gyumri from the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin for this historic event. Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II performed the re-consecration of the restored Holy Savior Church. Ten years ago, His Holiness consecrated the crosses on the dome and bell tower of the Holy Savior Church.