Events Dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide in TurkeyThe events dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide started to be held in Turkey, specifically, in Istanbul from 2010.
“From Waste to Art”: master class by Italian artistWithin the scope of the Europe Day, Italian artist, sculptor and painter Fabio Giannino delivered a master class. The artist presented his own unique methods of creating a piece of art. |
Frescos of St. Gevork Church in Tbilisi under restorationDuring the restoration of St. Gevork Mother Cathedral in Tbilisi valuable frescos were discovered. IDEA Foundations, along with the renovation activities in respect to the Church building, invited specialists to perform comprehensive identification and restoration of the frescos. |
Restoration of St. Gevork Church in TbilisiIn 2012, by the blessing of Karekin II, Patriarch of All Armenians, with the support of the Georgian authorities and the initiative of IDEA Foundation, the renovation of Mother Cathedral St. Gevork in Tbilisi was launched. The construction is planned to bring to its completion this year. |
Press conference on the film screenings “Never Again”“Golden Apricot” Fund for Cinema Development NGO jointly with the Ministry of Culture of Armenia and the State Steering Committee for the Armenian Genocide centenary events, organized screening of theme films in various countries to commemorate the centenary of the Armenian Genocide. The initiative is entitled “Never Again” and covers meetings, seminars and film screenings, The details of the program was elucidated in the press conference heldrecently. |
“War and Peace”: exhibition of Karen PetrosyanModern Art Museum features the exhibition of Karen Petrosyan “War and Peace”. According to the painter, his works on one hand show how can the nature and life be destroyed, and on the other hand one can see the creation of life. And in between of these two phenomena – the war and the peace, lives the human being.
Ruben SevakIn 1915, a young Armenian doctor in Cankiri healed the daughter of a rich and influential Turk. In return, the Turk moved by gratitude, tried to convince the Armenian doctor to adopt Islam and save his life from sure death. However, the doctor didn’t think twice to refuse saying that conversion from one religion into another is betraying your nation.
The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia demands the historic Catholicosate of Sis from TurkeyCatholicos of All Armenians received members of German Parliament.
Concert of Mariam Merabova in Yerevan Opera and Ballet National Academic TheatreRussia-based Armenian singer is the soloist of Russian Miryfe Band. She is often called the Lady Voice. She gained big fame especially by participating in the Russian song contest Voice of Russia.
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Items Made of WasteA couple of plastic bags, skilled fingers and vivid imagination, and here you go – you will be contributing to the protection of nature. Making useful household items from plastic waste is an interesting and potential way of addressing environmental pollution.
National Armenian photography in 19-20th centuries: presentation in APDIt took only two decades after the birth of photography for a number of Armenian photographers to become famous in this area of art. Abdollahian brothers, Antoine-Khan Sevruguin, Gevorg Ter-Ghevondyan, Andranik Kochar, Ara Guler. The life and art of six Armenian photographers were presented in Araratian Patriarchal Diocese by photographer Vahe Kochar.
Personal exhibition of Anatoly Avetyan dedicated to the International Women’s DayTo celebrate the holiday of Motherhood and Beauty, the gallery of Moscow House hosted the exhibition of RA merited painter ands culptor Anatoly Avetyan entitled “For Beloved Women”.