Praised and glorified saint

Nowhere in the Gospels is Mary Magdalene mentioned as a harlot. The first mention of her is found in the Gospel of Luke, where she is presented as the first person among the women following Jesus. All the Evangelists refer to Magdalene. What do the Evangelists tell us about Mary Magdalene and why is she characterized as a woman of modesty?
Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this. 

Armenia at the Venice Biennale

Paris-based Nina Khemchyan will represent Armenia at the Venice Biennale
Armenia will be represented at the 60th Venice Biennale, which will be held from April 20 to November 24, by the multi-layered multimedia project entitled "Response" by Paris-based Nina Khemchyan. Through art, Nina Khemchyan will talk about the Armenian medieval heritage, which is endangered today, and will touch on the themes of identity, memory and belonging. The commissar of the pavilion is Svetlana Sahakyan, head of the modern art department of the Ministry of Education. The co-organizer and main sponsor of the pavilion is the "Gafesjian" Art Center. The curator of the national pavilion is Armen Yesayants, director of GAC exhibitions.
Anahit Margaryan talked to Armen Yesayants, the curator of the Armenian pavilion at the Venice Biennale, the exhibition director of the Cafesjian Art Center, and Elizaveta Shirinyan, the director of education, in "Artfocus".

Territorial, but whose integrity?

There are 3 power centers in our region: Turkey, Russia and Iran.
The main partner of the West here is Turkey, which acts directly against Armenia. The West is ready to support Armenia to counter threats from Russia and Iran, but Armenia is not threatened by Russia and Iran, but by Turkey and Azerbaijan. Actually, it is Turkey's agenda.
What does diversification of foreign policy mean? Anna Sargsyan discussed the topic with candidate of historical sciences Sergey Melkonyan.

New strategy of education and science. part 152

The Government did not accept any of the NAS proposals
The government does not take into account any of the dozens of proposals of scientific institutes, departments and the presidency of the National Academy of Sciences regarding the new system of certification of scientists. Discussions have an imitative nature. They are just to announce that there have been discussions. A draft is sent, a large-scale discussion is held, and the government does not take anything into account.
Hovhannes Yeranyan discussed the problematic points of the new system of certification of scientists in the "Pavilion" with Artur Ishkhanyan, Academician-Secretary of the National Academy of Sciences.

The Resurrection of Christ, our testimony

The Resurrection of Christ is a historical event
"The Lord has risen and appeared to Peter." This is the first confession of the newly born church. There are 3 interrelated components here: the first one is the confession that Jesus is God, the second one is that Jesus is Risen, which is the commemoration of a historical event, and the third one is that he appeared to Peter. He is the witness of this event and the guarantor of the truth of that event.
What is the Christian's commitment to the reality of the Resurrection? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this. 

Splendid and beautiful Holy Etchmiadzin

The light radiating from the Mother Church has kept the Armenian nation steadfast
In the Ruben Sevak Museum of the Mother See, the presentation of the picture book "Splendid and beautiful Holy Etchmiadzin" took place. It presents more than 60 works of artists depicting the Cathedral. The author used museum archives and private collections. The picture book is an ode to the Mother Cathedral and is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the enthronement of Karekin II, Patriarch of All Armenians.
 Anahit Margrayan's guest at "Artfocus" is Asoghik Abegha Karapetyan, the author of the picture book and the director of the museums and archives of the Mother See.

The Patriarch of All Armenians performed the Washing of the Feet service at the Mother See

On Holy Thursday from 4 p.m., the Washing of the Feet service is held in all Armenian Apostolic churches. Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II blessed the water and oil placed on the altar, then washed the feet of 12 congregants, soldiers and children, who symbolize Christ's disciples. After the Last Supper, Jesus knelt before his disciples and washed their feet.


Why are war and defeat inevitable?

The main narrative of the political authorities after the war is that the events happening with Armenia are inevitable. For example, handing over the enclaves is inevitable because the Armenian side is weak. The government presents this weakness as an objective reality, but in reality it is a consequence of poor management and mismanagement of resources. There is a way to change the situation: effective management.
Anna Sargsyan discussed with Vahram Martirosyan, founder director of "Zangi" company, the difficult situation created around Armenia and the possibilities to get out of it.

New strategy of education and science. Part 151

Yerevan should not be empty of students
YSU lecturer, teacher of "Aregnazan" educational complex Ara Atayan considers that "Academic City" is not about saving or improving the education of Armenia, but about redistributing ownership of good property in the center of the city. According to him, in just one or two years it will be clear which families of today's elite belong to the university buildings.
Hovhannes Yeranyan discussed with Ara Atayan the problem of building the "Academic City" and removing the universities from the capital.

The victory of life

Easter of Christ symbolizes the victory of life over death. Celebrating Easter means giving meaning to life. And this is possible by moving from sin to a righteous life, from falsehood to a true life, from hatred to a life of love. To celebrate means to make a transition from our fears to boldness, because to celebrate Easter and remain in fear means to distort the mystery of the holiday. Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this.

The Armenian Apostolic Church celebrated Palm Sunday, the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem

The Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzn, the feast began with an Andastan ceremony. The clergy prayed for a peaceful and fruitful year. The Catholicos of All Armenians blessed the 4 sides of the world, asking for peace and fertility. This was followed by the blessing of the willow branches. Branches symbolizing new life are taken home and kept until the next Palm Sunday.

New strategy of education and science. Part 150

The human brain cannot remember all episodes of life, but a touch or a smell can recall all the details of a specific event. Hasmik Daniel, a neurolinguist, claims that it is possible to come to terms with bad memories with the help of NLP, and to get energy from good memories to move forward. In the "Pavilion" Hovhannes Yeranyan discussed with the neurolinguist Hasmik Daniel how to increase the quality of education under the influence of the National Military Academy and how to overcome the post-war stress.