On the occasion of the re-consecration of Saint Hakob Church, the prayer book of Medicine was brought to the church

This year marks the 12th anniversary of the rededication of Saint Hakob Church of Vardenis community of Aragatsotn Diocese. On that occasion, the Gospel, known for many miracles and healings, was brought to the church from the Holy Narek chapel. The holy book was published in 1710. The people called it Papei Narek because the book was preserved by members of the Papei clan.  Currently, the Gospel has been returned to the village, and is finally resting in the Saint Narek Chapel of Vardenis, under special protection.

Group leader and pedagogue Grigor Harutyunyan developed and published the poems of the major feasts

Presentation of "Creative Children", "Reharmonization of Orchestral Score", "Taghq Taghavarats" educational manual and collections was held in the church of the of the Araratian Pontifical Diocese. The manual and collections were prepared for publication by group leader, pedagogue Grigor Harutyunyan. The author has chosen 12 poems for Major feasts, the authors of which are Saint Grigor Narekatsi, Nerses the Graceful, Ananun Anetsi, Kostandin of Sis, Arakel Syunetsi, Mkhitar Sebastasi.


The Catholicos of All Armenians received pilgrims of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Churchof North America

Pilgrimages to the Motherland have been taking place for several years now under the leadership of Reverend Fr. Abraham Malkhasyan, Spiritual Pastor of the Church of the Holy Martyrs in New York. During the meeting, the Armenian Patriarch stressed the importance of the connection of Armenians from all over the world with the Motherland and the Motherland important. His Holiness commanded the pilgrims to return to their communities strengthened by faith and to continue their patriotic activities, to be zealously involved in the national-church life.


On the occasion of the Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God, a celebration was organized in "Yeraz" Park

"Navakatik" educational and cultural non-governmental organization and "Masunk" traditional song and dance ensemble offered people games, invited them to dance, and told the traditions of the feast in "Yeraz" park on the evening of the feast of Assumption.


The Aragatsotn Diocese has organized a training course for young people

A two-day training course entitled "We are young people who serve the centuries-old church" was held in Aragatsotn Diocese with the participation of more than 140 young people. Representatives of art and science, clergy held discussions with the young people, each of them addressing the problems in their field and the possible options for solving them through the young people.


The employees of the socio-educational centers of the church dioceses participated in the discussion

The employees of the socio-educational centers of the dioceses of the Armenian Apostolic Church participated in the discussion on the topic "Modern tricks promoting family well-being and the usefulness of the media field". It was organized by the Armenian office of the United Nations Population Fund and the Armenian Round Table Foundation of the World Council of Churches, funded by the European Union "European Union for the equality of women and men: together against gender stereotypes and violence" within the framework of the project.

On the Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God a Divine Liturgy was served in the Holy Mother of God Church of Nork

Reverend Father Vanand Andreasyan spoke about the role of the Holy Mother of God and the salvation of humanity. Holy Mother of God has a unique place in the class of saints of the Armenian Church. She was taken to heaven not only in spirit but also in body. At the end of the Divine Liturgy, a grape blessing ceremony was held in the Holy Mother of God Church of Nork.

AGBU "Discover Armenia" program participants met the Catholicos of All Armenians

AGBU "Discover Armenia" project participants visited the Mother See as volunteers to help the church. They cleaned the open altar, tidied up the old cemetery, and washed some of the temple's ritual carpets. With the program, young people aged 15-18 came from different settlements of the world, who live together for three weeks, travel around Armenia, discover the country, culture, history and people.

An intellectual game-competition was organized on the occasion of the Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God

An intellectual game-competition titled "Motherhood and Family" was held in the Holy Trinity Church of Malatia. For the third year already, the youth associations of the Ararat Pontifical Diocese are preparing for the liturgy of the feast of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God with a game-competition. In the heated competition between more than 10 teams, the "Cross" team of the youth union of the Holy Cross Church of Arabkir was declared the winner, the second place was taken by the "Zoravore" union of the Holy Mother of God Zoravor, and the third place is the "Ararat" youth union of St. Sargis church.

AGBU "Andranik" scout camp in Dilijan has ended

More than 130 scouts of "Armenian Youth Association" of Iraq, Iran, Syria and Armenia of AGBU spent a week in "Andranik" scout camp in Dilijan. During this time, they visited the sights of Armenia, made pilgrimages to shrines and met with the Patriarch of All Armenians at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. The scouts spent the last day at the campfire. The president of AGBU Armenia expressed hope that the next camps of scouts in the homeland will be more crowded and with a wider geography.


AGBU "Andranik" scout camp in Dilijan has ended

More than 130 scouts of "Armenian Youth Association" of AGBU Iraq, Iran, Syria and Armenia spent a week in "Andranik" scout camp in Dilijan. During this time, they visited the sights of Armenia, made pilgrimages to shrines and met with the Patriarch of All Armenians at the Holy Etchmiadzin. The scouts spent the last day at the campfire. The president of AGBU Armenia expressed hope that the next camps of scouts in the homeland will be more crowded and with a wider geography.

The exhibition of Manon-Armine Avetisyan was opened in the Union of Artists

The exhibition titled "Emotional Storm" by Manon-Armine Avetisyan was opened in the Union of Artists, where the painting works of the artist from different years were presented. Manon-Armine Avetisyan is the pedagogue of the drawing class of the Mother Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin and Armenian Youth Center of Arabkir. Teaching for over 30 years. Her students participate in Armenian and international competitions.